Kelly Liedtke

Artist's Statement
Ordinary Miracles, Kelly was introduced to pen and ink as a teenager and it has been a constant in her life ever since. She uses a lot of different techniques, however pointillism is probably her favorite. So many dots, so little time! These drawings happen in the middle of the night, at her son's school events, and any other time she can scrape together a few minutes to pour her soul into these incredibly detailed ink drawings. People are always remarking about the patience that they must take and she usually responds with, "oh, there are wars and battles in each and every one". Kelly finds the best muses are ordinary but shown for a brief instant that their magic is captured, a birds feathers in the sunlight, a fish rising to catch its next meal and the way light plays its games on architecture, things that happen everyday that we have forgotten to recognize as magic. These drawings are the cumulative effect of many small actions, added to each other to trick the viewer into seeing the actual subject from a distance but when viewed up close you will see a series of dots, lines and squiggles. Get up close to see how one dot will affect the other then step back and realize that the drawings are created one dot at time and are very much a reflection of life as we know it. One event leads to another and so and so on.


An Award winning, internationally recognized artist with a day job! Kelly is Active in 2 galleries near her home on Whidbey Island, in Washington State. At Garry Oak Gallery, she holds the vice president role and is a member of jury committee, at Artworks Gallery, she is active commissioned artist member. Kelly participates in several juried art shows at all levels. Here are some of her recent accolades: “Hooked” won Best in show at Kenmore Arts Annual Show in September, “Summer Nights Rain” won its 17th placement / Honorable Mention award in Moultrie Georgia in September, Lincoln Gallery, Loveland Colorado. Regional Juried Show- Drawing Division Winner 2023. Philadelphia Sketch Club, Juried Show 2020,2021,2022,2023,2024.Pacific Northwest Art School, Juried Show 2023 Honorable Mention, Drawing Division Winner & Poster Design Winner. Sim 20' Participant & Attendee. The artwork has been featured in the following publications: Colours of Design Magazine, 4/23Featured Artist,Wings 2023, Featured Artist, Flora and Fauna 2023, Feature Artist and is very proud to be the Featured Artist in the Upcoming H20 Magazine Autumn 2024 and Upcoming Artist Up Close feature.